CranioSacral Therapy for Conception, Pregnancy, and Infants.
About CranioSacral Therapy (CST):
CST is a gentle manual therapy that enhances the function of your craniosacral system — i.e., the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. CST boosts the body’s natural healing processes to improve operation of the central nervous system, dissipate negative effects of stress, and enhance overall health and well-being. The work can be profoundly relaxing, exhilarating, deeply moving, or involve resolution of old “issues.” Through gentle cranial manipulation, tissue unwinding, dialoging, imagery, and SomatoEmotional Release, CST can effect not only profound structural change within the body, but also mental and emotional change.
Preconception and Fertility CST:
Why wait until pregnancy? If you are planning to conceive or are working toward fertility or undergoing fertility treatments, you are also an ideal candidate for CST. Fertility is directly tied to the structure and function of the pelvis and reproductive organs, and your session can be tailored to treat any imbalances or restrictions in these areas, giving you the greatest likelihood of easy conception.
CranioSacral Therapy for Fertility, Conception, & Pregnancy:
Women receive the greatest benefit for easier labors and shorter pushing phases when they receive CranioSacral Therapy throughout pregnancy.
A properly functioning nervous system improves the functioning of all our body systems including the reproductive system. Craniosacral Therapy during pregnancy can ease discomforts in the body and release physical restrictions in the uterine ligaments, pelvis, and coccyx- facilitating more effective labors and stronger communication between mom and baby during the birth process.
Fertility & Conception:
- Preparing Physically & Emotionally
Pregnancy Support:
- Pelvic Strain & Instability
- Insomnia & Back Pain
- Intrauterine Growth Restrictions
Supporting the Onset of Labor:
- Softening & Opening for Labor
- Early Labor Nervous System Balancing
- Prodromal Labor Reset
- Water Breaking w/o Contractions
CranioSacral Therapy Addresses:
Birth Recovery
- Birth Trauma
- Difficult Deliveries & Vacuum Extraction
- Prolonged Pushing Phases
- Cesarean Births
- Postpartum Exhaustion & Fatigue
- Mood Challenges
Breastfeeding Challenges
- Latch & Tongue-Tie
- Torticollis
- Sleepiness at the Breast
Due-Date Appointment
Many women experience some type of stress as their due-date approaches. Some are trying to work as long as they can before the baby comes, others may have fears surfacing as the birth approaches, and many begin to feel pressure from family or care-providers to induce labor. Craniosacral Therapy helps process fears & anxiety around giving birth while reducing stress and re-setting the nervous system, allowing the body to go into labor. CST does not induce labor but once the nervous system is calm, the body can more easily respond to its own process of starting labor.
See pricing below.
craniosacral therapist
Linda mitchell
Linda has worked within the medical field as a Licensed Practical Nurse working with all ages in long term care facilities, as well as home care. Her continued path led her to natural practices initiating her journey in massage, craniosacral therapy, somatic emotional release, Reiki and Integrative Energy Therapy. Her work includes working with both humans, and horses. Mitchell gained her expertise from the Institute of Therapeutic Massage, Center of Being and Upledger Institute. Linda's spiritual path led her to Unity of Sussex County where she embraced working with the YOU (Youth of Unity - Teens), and as a chaplain.