Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as "Tapping", offers gentle desensitizing techniques to release specific traumatic issues. This removes the blocks that keep you from enjoying life. Tapping acupressure points on your body is calming and soothing. Adding a few words to describe the upsetting event calms the body down and releases the trauma.
I refer to EFT as “Accelerated Mindfulness” as it clearly uses mindfulness as it’s guiding light. Mindfulness is “paying attention”. As we pay attention to how we feel when something is bothering us, the nature of how we feel begins to change. Using mindfulness alone, is a sure and steady journey to well-being. Add EFT (“tapping” on specific acupressure points), and the process speeds up handily. Those correctly practicing EFT often feel the negative energy leaving their body during this process and tend to feel lighter as a result.
You will be empowered to use these techniques on your own as you release your negative emotions and beliefs with EFT. You will have a life-long tool to use whenever you feel uncomfortable to help you release the discomfort and feel better.
These techniques are so simple that even children can learn them. In my experience, results tend to be permanent.
eft CAN release:
Chronic pain
Relationship Difficulties
Limiting Beliefs
debra m. hollinrake
Dedicated in service to humanity, Debra assists you in finding your truth, your light, your unconditional love, and your peace. She is an accredited Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Master Trainer and Advanced Practitioner. Debra found EFT when looking for a way to help her sister who had PTSD. In looking for a practitioner, she found the EFT & Mindfulness Center. Debra was guided to learn EFT herself so she could help her sister. That moment changed Debra’s life. When she saw how quickly and effectively EFT worked, she never looked back. She quickly realized that EFT is also a form of mindfulness, but with quicker results. Thus, she refers to EFT as “accelerated mindfulness!”