Healing Touch (“HT”) is a collection of 30 plus techniques to balance and align the human energy field supporting an individual’s natural ability to heal. Founded by Janet Mentgen, RN, BSN, Healing Touch is practiced both as an art and philosophy. Healing Beyond Borders International (HBB), Lakewood, Colorado, administers the five-level certification program and the designation “CHTP” (Certified Healing Touch Practitioner).
A Healing Touch Practitioner clears and balances the human energy field. The Practitioner also transfers life force energy through their hands to the recipient activating the individual’s natural ability to heal. It works wherever the recipient needs it most, reducing pain, relieving stress and balancing emotions.
HT is a safe and natural way to treat many acute and chronic conditions as well as to prepare for or recover from surgery, HT can also be an important part of a wellness or fitness program to optimize performance. It is complementary to traditional approaches to healthcare and is not a substitute for them. Referrals to physicians and other health workers are made when appropriate.
During a Healing Touch treatment, gentle touch is used to assist in reducing stress, calming anxiety, decreasing pain, strengthening the immune system, enhancing recovery from surgery, supporting cancer care, creating a sense of well-being, deepening spiritual connection, and ease acute and chronic conditions.
Benefits of HEALING TOUCH:
Reduce Stress, Relieve Pain, and Improve Sleep
Increase Energy Levels and Strengthen the Immune System
Prepare and Recover from Surgery and other medical procedures
Reduce Effects of Drug Therapy
Manage Chronic Illness
Improve Anxiety and Depression
Calm Emotions and Enhance Mental Clarity
Supportive in Substance Disorder Recovery
Offers strong support in End-of-Life Care
Deepening a Spiritual Connection
Supports Resiliency in Health Care Providers
Where is Healing Touch Used?
Healing Touch (HT), a relaxing nurturing energy therapy, is used in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, long-term care facilities, hospices, wellness centers, private practices, and spas. The organization that serves Healing Touch providers, instructors, and the public is Healing Beyond Borders (HBB). Healing Touch is taught in universities, medical and nursing schools and other settings internationally.
HBB certifies Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors, coordinates Healing Touch research, assists the integration of Healing Touch into healthcare settings, and promotes the work of Healing Touch worldwide. The organization was established in 1996 by Healing Touch founder Janet Mentgen, a nurse who wanted to bring greater healing and well-being to her patients. Healing Touch is endorsed by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) and the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).
This is what happens during a Healing Touch Session
Healing Touch shows us that we are more than a physical body; that we are an open multi-dimensional energy field. Energy flows freely when this field is expanded, nourishing our entire body. When our energy field is depleted or not moving, we can feel tired or prone to illness. The techniques used in Healing Touch clear and balance the human energy field. Our goal is to place you in the best possible position to heal.
The first part of the session is the Intake Interview. (Note: The first time a client visits we do a full interview.) After the first session Intakes are done with the client reporting specific problems which shortens the interview process. We will discuss physical, mental, spiritual and emotional conditions.
I will determine through the interview process and the client’s and my observations where the most discomfort is and what does the client expect to get out of the session. Client will then move to the table and secure a relaxed and comfortable state. Client will remain fully clothed and may release eyeglasses and shoes to enhance comfort. The practitioner will conduct a full body assessment of the client’s energy field, using a pendulum or hands to ascertain energy presence.
Once the Assessment is completed the Practitioner will discuss with the Client the Assessment findings and together, they will derive a plan for this session. During the session, my hands will lightly touch the client’s body, or be in a space just above the body. My hands may be moving or still. If at any time the client is not comfortable with the hands touching the body the client needs to let the practitioner know either verbally or with sounds. The practitioner throughout the entire session is documenting techniques used and the client’s body reaction to them or other energy forces they are experiencing. The practitioner will continue and finish the techniques chosen in the plan. When the practitioner is finished the client will be made aware when the practitioner holds both client's ankles lightly with little pressure, signaling the client that the practitioner is finished.
Client may stay on table and gradually come back to the present. Practitioner will ask client about their experience, has anything changed, how they feel, and gradually the client will sit up. Client drapes legs over the table and practitioner sweeps energy from client's adrenal glands.
Once the client is aware and open to discussion the practitioner will ask about their experience without commenting on what the practitioner observed. After the client has expressed themselves, then the practitioner may discuss observations and answer clients' questions about certain parts or things that occurred during the session.
After discussion we discuss the experience with the client and establish a plan of care. Regular sessions are often recommended as the cumulative effect of Healing Touch over time occurs.
Many people receive Healing Touch with their eyes closed and become very relaxed and sometimes sleep. The client and the practitioner may feel sensations of heat or cold coming from the practitioner's hands, or the client may not feel anything at all. Sometimes you can hear stomach gurgles or twitching of extremities signifying that energy is moving.
price: $125 for 2 hours.
To schedule an appointment please contact Brian F. Ford at the phone or email listed below:
BRIAN FORD, BA, CHTP - 973-903-0878 - Email
Brian F. Ford has joined The Tree of Health Center to offer Healing Touch Services. Holistic Energy Healing is one of Brian’s many strengths.