shamanic work.
This work is an intuitive blend of indigenous shamanic energy medicine, spiritual healing, crystal therapy, illumination, extraction, cord cutting, soul retrieval, soul transition, and/or destiny retrieval. Energy healing clears the imprints of disease and trauma from the luminous energy field (LEF) or bio field and brings balance to the body-mind-soul. Energy work is rapid in nature. Most clients will see and feel results in 1-3 sessions.
If that is not the case, we would suggest that the time is not right or perhaps the match between the client and the practitioner is not the best fit. In energy work, the practitioner facilitates the work of the client, as opposed to the healer doing the work alone and “fixing” the client. Sessions range from 1-1.5 hours in length and can include a very wide range of interventions. Together with the client, the shaman determines the interventions needed after taking a detailed history and proceeding with the healing session. Combinations of the shamanic practices take place over one or more sessions. Sessions can take place in person or remotely through the telephone, Zoom or Skype.
shamanic practices.
The basis of the shamanic energy healing session is the Illumination process.
In the Inka shamanic tradition energies are either “light,” supporting life, or “heavy,” not serving our highest good. The Illumination process transforms heavy energies into light, so they can become sources of power and knowledge. To do this, the shaman clears the chakras and the energy surrounding the body, the Luminous Energy Field (LEF). Once erased, the chakras are balanced to allow the immune system to do its job for health and healing.
While the Illumination Process removes most negative energies, some toxic energies crystallize and embed themselves in the body. Other intrusive energies can lodge in the central nervous system. These energies are attracted to us when there is an affinity within us. For instance, anger can penetrate our LEF when anger lives within us. These energies must be manually removed by the shaman. The shaman scans the individual to locate the energies and then removes them using crystals, rattles or other tools. Once the energy is removed, the shaman performs the illumination to increase the frequency of the affected chakra to attract pure, clear, beneficent energies.
Soul Retrieval:
Each and every one of us at some point(s) in our life experience physical and/or emotional trauma. When we experience traumatic events, it is possible for a portion of the soul to separate from our essential self. This soul loss can manifest as illness, emotional arrest, fear, insecurities or other manifestations. The shaman journeys through meditation. During this meditation, the shaman will locate the soul particle, identify the soul contract the individual is living under, finds the gifts the soul is offering and locates the power animal associated with this client. The shaman discusses the findings and offers the client the opportunity to “reconnect” with the soul particle, “re-write” the contract in more positive terms, and accept and interpret the meaning of the gifts and the power animal. This practice gives the client the ability to change and create their world.
Cord Cutting:
Cord cutting is the cutting of an energetic connection with another person. When people are in a relationship their energy fields meld. This is true of any relationship. In romantic relationships love is not the only necessary component for a healthy relationship. Just because we love someone does not mean we should be partnered with them forever. Sometimes relationships are abusive, dangerous or simply not healthy for us, even if they are family, or even if we love the individual. Sometimes relationships end. The process of cord cutting allows individuals, who have separated, to move on with their lives or to interact without the abnormal attachments and unhealthy relationships no longer have that connection and control. Cord cutting, for the shaman, is best done within the context of a shamanic healing. This way not only is the energetic cord located and removed, the client can also receive the benefits of the illumination process to clean and balance the chakras to facilitate the healing process.
Crystal Therapy:
A variety of crystals are utilized in shamanic work for grounding individuals or spaces, healing work, removing unwanted energies, protection, and in ceremony.
The despacho is a gift for the Universe, a prayer bundle, an energetic exchange for healing to reestablish perfect ayni (right relationship), or protection. A despacho can be used for a wide variety of occasions or requests – births, deaths, as expressions of gratitude, to make a specific request of spirit or to release that which no longer serves us. The despacho holds symbolic elements and becomes a living prayer that brings energy shifts and healing. The despacho can be buried (for slow, steady results), burned (for quicker transformation), or fed into running waters for the energy shifts and healings. These can be made individually or in group classes.
Shamanic divination is the art of seeing and interpreting signs in everything around us. The shaman uses various methods and tools to achieve this.
Shamanic Card Readings:
Before time and language, there were the sacred symbols, part of the archetypes and the collective unconsciousness. They offered hope, expressed caution, illuminated opportunity, inspired creation, courted power, and shared knowledge. The shaman consults the oracles, to gain insight to understand the present, heal the past, and influence the course of your future.
The shaman travels through meditation to journey into non-ordinary time to communicate with their inner or spirit self and retrieving information. This can be accomplished with the aid of a rattle or drum.
I Ching Readings:
The I Ching is a dynamic map to reveal answers to current conditions and discusses the proper or correct ways to address the situation. This can be applied to individuals, to groups, to countries or to world issues.
Bands of Power Attunements:
The invisible bands of power are a protection that can help us live safely in this world. The bands represent the five elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Chi and nourish the chakras.
The shaman layers the luminous bands over the chakras, like a blanket wrapped around the body.
The Black band representing Earth is energetically woven over the first, or sacral chakra.
The Red band representing Water is woven over the 2nd and 3rd abdominal chakras.
The Gold representing Fire is woven over the heart chakra.
The Silver representing Wind is woven over the throat chakra.
Finally, pure white light representing Spirit is woven over the sixth chakra, the third eye.
The shaman connects all the bands and activates them for living continuous protection in the client.
Spiritual Coaching:
This is a holistic approach for today’s modern man or woman to assist them to re-evaluate themselves, dream big, set goals, manage stress and learn options to balance their life.
Counseling can be individual or as a group class.
Interventions can be selected from the following and include, but are not limited to:
• Vision boards
• Fire breathing /stress poses
• Energy clearing
• Aromatherapy, aromatouch
• Guided meditation
• Dietary review
Shamanic Meditation and Breath Work:
Holotropic breath work, or fire-breathing uses non-ordinary states of consciousness for purposes of exploring, healing, and obtaining growth and insights into the human psyche. Using various breathing techniques to build internal energy and mental enlightening. This is followed by opening sacred space and sitting within your power. A powerful way to start your day, center and ground yourself.
Various methods using drums, rattles, guided meditation, mirror work to communication with your higher self or spiritual guides in a journey for personal healing and understanding.
Soul Transition (death rites):
For the shamans of Tibet and the Americas, death is the ultimate journey of liberation.
Shamans believe the doorway between worlds closes forty hours after death. The shaman’s work is to perform the great spiral to cleanse the chakras and assist the luminous body to exit and transition. The final step in the death rites is to seal the chakras using the thumb to keep the luminous body from returning to a lifeless physical form.
Home and Business Energy Clearing:
It is important for us all to live work and play in a harmonious environment to maximize our health and wellness. Sometimes our homes or places of work get “heavy” with negative or stuck energies.
Energy clearing should be considered under these circumstances:
• Before you move into a new space
• After you remove clutter from a home
• After a roommate or companion moves out
• After an illness or death
• After robbery or any kind of invasion
• When you feel stuck in your life or work
• You suspect the presence of a negative or malevolent energy
• After a fight, divorce or break-up of a relationship or business
• If you or your children are not sleeping well or are having nightmares
• When things don’t feel balanced in the home or office
Sessions can involve training individuals to manage the energy in their home or office or professional clearings.
on eagle’s wings
On Eagle's Wings' work is an intuitive blend of indigenous shamanic energy medicine, spiritual healing, crystal therapy, illumination, extraction, cord cutting, soul retrieval, soul transition, and/or destiny retrieval. Energy healing clears the imprints of disease and trauma from the luminous energy field (LEF) or bio field and brings balance to the body-mind-soul. Energy work is rapid in nature.