unified wellness program:

astrology: a holistic approach


Monday & Thursday

4 - 5:15pm


This course equips participants with the tools to apply an astrological awareness to their daily lives. Astrology is a language of archetypes: the lovers, warriors & dreamers in stories & myths that describe, on the deepest level, why we do what we do. Not only does astrology articulate who & what these archetypes are; it also tells us when, how & why these forces show up in each human life. 

In this course, participants will learn the basic grammar of astrology—planets, signs & houses—and then apply this awareness to understanding the timing & significance of major personal events. We will study how each planetary cycle reveals a unique pattern with clues to the purpose contained within all situations & emotions, from the triumphs to the traumas. With this understanding, we will use astrology as a map toward a conscious participation with our destiny. 

Course participants will develop their own set of tools to read an astrological chart and connect the present moment to the bigger picture—whether for their loved ones, their clients or themselves. 

“We have free will, but our free will is only as effective as our awareness. Astrology gives us the key to both!” Montgomery Taylor 

Nate speare

Nate Speare is an astrological consultant, vocal artist, storyteller, mythologist, & educator. He comes from a line of astrologers and sound/music composers who used natural environmental sounds and the connection between sound, the natural environment, and the characters within the earth and sky. It is his aim to connect each person to the idea that they are not blank slates, but that they entered the world with their own “daimon” and irreplaceable style of talented genius with inspiring and definite directions in life. 

benefits of astrology:

  • Learn to work effectively with the potentials of your natal chart so that you can find unexpected, hidden solutions to perceived problems, discover surprising ways to navigate through life’s struggles, and connect to the most primal sources of your  personal power. 

  • Equip yourself with the tools to read your own natal chart and others’ natal charts. 

  • Gain an awareness of the relationship of your past to your present, and your present to your future, through studying astrological time cycles. 

  • Use astrology as a lens into collective forces at work in society. Know the most effective way to adapt and relate with those forces.

    Nate Speare’s approach to astrology is a ‘mythopoetic’ approach that integrates psychological, evolutionary & archetypal approaches.