unified wellness program:
chair yoga.
Chair Yoga is a gentle practice open to all. It is a particularly good class for people with physical challenges, limited mobility, desk workers, seniors and those recovering from an injury. As the name implies, students will practice primarily sitting in a chair with options to stand. Since our society sits so often, chair yoga, is a great way to learn asana (poses) to do from a desk, car, or any other time you're sitting. Chair Yoga is incredibly relaxing in part because of the heavy emphasis on breathing techniques and relaxation. Students work in and out of poses to increase strength and flexibility while allowing ample time to rest and integrate.
Julie lain
I was introduced to yoga in high school but it wasn’t till my mid-twenties that I devoted to make it my way of living. In 2015, I was drawn to deepen my understanding of yoga and undertook my 200-hour yoga teacher training with Ha-Tha Yoga Method. My teachers and greatest mentors Denise Kay and Delia Quigley inspired me to listen deeply and always be curious. I continue to deepen my practice and approach yoga as a way of living and BE-ING. My intention is to hold space for others to connect with nature and self.
Potential benefits of chair yoga:
Improves proprioception
Supports pain management skills
Reduces tension and stress
Improves quality of sleep
Builds deeper awareness and trust in self
Accessible to anyone who can sit in a chair
The quality and range of movement one can achieve in a chair is surprising
Builds strength and range of motion
Increases flexibility