Julie lain
Julie Lain, E-RYT, Certified Childlight Yoga Instructor, Certified in Meditation and Mindfulness, Chair Yoga and Restorative Yoga Certified, Kayak Guide registered with American Canoe Association, WFA (wilderness first aid trained), Co-founder BreathTrek
I see you. I am here. I have always carried a deep love for guiding others towards self-appreciation, compassion & empowerment. I was a very shy and sensitive child and at the age of 3 my mom signed me up for dance. I took to it immediately & eventually found my way to Dance Expression where I became an active member of the Dance Company. The foundation was set, to trust and be guided by my own body and inner wisdom. In 2002, I earned my BA in Sociology from TCNJ & went through the Alternate Route Program for Elementary Education. This led me to become the Director of Project Self-Sufficiency’s Little Sprouts Early Learning Center where I worked for 3 years. I later returned to initiate a children’s yoga and mindfulness program.
I was introduced to yoga in high school but it wasn’t till my mid-twenties that I devoted to make it my way of living. In 2015, I was drawn to deepen my understanding of yoga and undertook my 200-hour yoga teacher training with Ha-Tha Yoga Method. My teachers and greatest mentors Denise Kay and Delia Quigley inspired me to listen deeply and always be curious. I continue to deepen my practice and approach yoga as a way of living and BE-ING. My intention is to hold space for others to connect with nature and self.
I live in beautiful Warren County, New Jersey with my three incredible children and wonderfully supportive partner Bill Amos.
BA Sociology The College of New Jersey
Alternate Route Elementary Education
Completed 200-hour HA-THA Yoga Method teacher training with Delia Quigley & Denise Kay.
Certified Chair Yoga Teacher
Certified Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher through the Nationally acclaimed Childlight Yoga trainings on Yoga & Mindfulness for children, Advanced teaching concepts for Yoga & Mindfulness for Children and Yoga & Mindfulness in schools
Certified Restorative Yoga Teacher
Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher through School of Positive Transformation
Health Educator for Atlantic Health Systems New Vitality Program
Co-created BreathTrek (bridging nature, community and a yogic lifestyle through hiking and kayaking adventures and yoga event offerings) with partner Bill Amos
Leads Family and Children’s Yoga Classes
Created Chair Yoga Classes/Clubs for local communities
Initiated Yoga & Mindfulness programs at local daycare centers, preschools,
elementary and charter schools
Teacher at Honor Yoga Washington
Corporate Yoga Facilitator