Julie lain

Julie Lain, E-RYT, Certified Childlight Yoga Instructor, Certified in Meditation and Mindfulness, Chair Yoga and Restorative Yoga Certified, Kayak Guide registered with American Canoe Association, WFA (wilderness first aid trained), Co-founder BreathTrek

I see you. I am here. I have always carried a deep love for guiding others towards self-appreciation, compassion & empowerment. I was a very shy and sensitive child and at the age of 3 my mom signed me up for dance. I took to it immediately & eventually found my way to Dance Expression where I became an active member of the Dance Company. The foundation was set, to trust and be guided by my own body and inner wisdom. In 2002, I earned my BA in Sociology from TCNJ & went through the Alternate Route Program for Elementary Education.  This led me to become the Director of Project Self-Sufficiency’s Little Sprouts Early Learning Center where I worked for 3 years.  I later returned to initiate a children’s yoga and mindfulness program. 

I was introduced to yoga in high school but it wasn’t till my mid-twenties that I devoted to make it my way of living. In 2015, I was drawn to deepen my understanding of yoga and undertook my 200-hour yoga teacher training with Ha-Tha Yoga Method.  My teachers and greatest mentors Denise Kay and Delia Quigley inspired me to listen deeply and always be curious. I continue to deepen my practice and approach yoga as a way of living and BE-ING. My intention is to hold space for others to connect with nature and self. 

I live in beautiful Warren County, New Jersey with my three incredible children and wonderfully supportive partner Bill Amos.


  • BA Sociology The College of New Jersey

  • Alternate Route Elementary Education

  • Completed 200-hour HA-THA Yoga Method teacher training with Delia Quigley & Denise Kay.

  • Certified Chair Yoga Teacher

  • Certified Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher through the Nationally acclaimed Childlight Yoga trainings on Yoga & Mindfulness for children, Advanced teaching concepts for Yoga & Mindfulness for Children and Yoga & Mindfulness in schools

  • Certified Restorative Yoga Teacher

  • Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher through School of Positive Transformation


  • Health Educator for Atlantic Health Systems New Vitality Program

  • Co-created BreathTrek (bridging nature, community and a yogic lifestyle through hiking and kayaking adventures and yoga event offerings) with partner Bill Amos 

  • Leads Family and Children’s Yoga Classes

  • Created Chair Yoga Classes/Clubs for local communities

  • Initiated Yoga & Mindfulness programs at local daycare centers, preschools,

  • elementary and charter schools

  • Teacher at Honor Yoga Washington

  • Corporate Yoga Facilitator