unified wellness program:

gentle restorative yoga and yoga nidra.



7:30 - 8:30pm

Take this time to nourish your body, mind and spirit. We will employ the use of stillness, the breath, restorative yoga and yoga nidra to draw us inward into the present moment. This class will be of limited movement. It will be focused on landing in space, grounding our bodies, quieting the mind, resetting the nervous system and nurturing the spirit. You will use blankets and pillows that you have around your home to fully support yourself in this “coming home” practice.


Julie lain

I was introduced to yoga in high school but it wasn’t till my mid-twenties that I devoted to make it my way of living. In 2015, I was drawn to deepen my understanding of yoga and undertook my 200-hour yoga teacher training with Ha-Tha Yoga Method.  My teachers and greatest mentors Denise Kay and Delia Quigley inspired me to listen deeply and always be curious. I continue to deepen my practice and approach yoga as a way of living and BE-ING. My intention is to hold space for others to connect with nature and self.

Potential benefits of yoga nidra:

Potential benefits of restorative yoga:

  • Anyone can practice yoga nidra- practiced lying down (or sitting up supported, if needed) with no movement

  • Resets the nervous system

  • Reduces stress and anxiety

  • Helps foster healing trauma

  • Connect with yourself in a deeper way

  • Releases tension and pain

  • Improves sleep and reduces insomnia

  • Overall quality of life boost

  • Plants seeds for growth

  • Cultivates the skill of conscious relaxation

  • Helps us discover where we are holding tension

  • Creates conditions for relaxation response to kick in

  • Helps us face what we may be avoiding about ourselves

  • Boosts immune system

  • Balances the nervous system

  • Promotes better sleep quality

  • Gentle on body

  • Develops qualities of compassion and understanding towards self and others