emotional cord cutting.
An Emotional Cord Cutting, or energetic tie is a structure of energy between two people which causes patterns from the past to constantly be re-lived. These ties are often referred to as cords of attachment because they are an open channel between you and another person which energy and emotions flow without your conscious knowledge. You are literally “attached” to each other on a subtle level.
While it is necessary to have some ties in every relationship, it is important to differentiate between the beneficial ties and the destructive ties. Every day we exchange energy with friends, partners, parents, children, siblings, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances. In these interactions there are bound to be instances where we may feel hurt, misunderstood, betrayed, judged, or insulted. We are often not aware of how much energy we spend on these experiences which may ignite emotions such as fear, anger, or resentment. If we do not resolve and forgive these moments, we continually leak energy to these incidents and keep negative patterns alive.
We are not conscious of these ties and for this reason negative patterns in relationships tend to repeat themselves constantly. A good way to tell if you are still energetically and emotionally tied to a person or situation is to think of the person involved, and if an emotion arises, it shows that some of your energy is still invested there.
Another indication that you are losing energy through a cord of attachment is to be aware of your energy levels after interacting with another. If you feel drained for a few hours after spending time with someone, it shows that your energy has “leaked” outward. Also, it is important to pay attention to any changes in your moods. Do you always feel angry around a particular person and you do not know why? All these are indicative of any unhealthy connection. Cords are formed on a subconscious level, usually through one’s need for control, strength or manipulation. Cutting ties is a helpful thing to do to clear past experiences, beliefs, resentments, and judgments. Cutting ties allows us to remove old patterns and stop reliving dramas with other people.
Cutting ties does not sever the relationship (unless that is the intent), rather, it puts the relationship back on a healthy path. By cutting ties of old, negative energies, we allow space for new, more harmonious energies to enter those relationships. When you cut energetic ties, you will feel a sense of being free or of having a heavy burden removed. Effects may be felt physically, energetically, or emotionally.
Emotional Cord Cutting Benefits:
Clear emotional blocks that are restrictive and holding you back
Clear and release trauma and emotion from childhood experiences
Create a clearer and more loving relationship with the person
Create a new found freedom from the past
Create more clarity, peace and freedom in your life
Create a more healthy connection to yourself and your loved ones
Create space for new insights and brings a sense of new found self
Linda has worked within the medical field as a Licensed Practical Nurse working with all ages in long term care facilities, as well as home care. Her continued path led her to natural practices initiating her journey in massage, craniosacral therapy, somatic emotional release, Reiki and Integrative Energy Therapy. Her work includes working with both humans, and horses. Mitchell gained her expertise from the Institute of Therapeutic Massage, Center of Being and Upledger Institute. Linda's spiritual path led her to Unity of Sussex County where she embraced working with the YOU (Youth of Unity - Teens), and as a chaplain.