MARCH 15 & 16, 2025 10AM - 5PM
Entry Criteria: Level 1 (FOUNDATIONAL) EFT Attendance Certificate.
A two-day course in a modular format designed to build your confidence and take you to the next level of instruction. This intense, varied and exciting part of the course will teach you how to understand what may interfere with EFT working; working with the client's belief system and how to create empowering phrases.
The course will cover an overview of trauma and you will learn A variety of gentle EFT approaches that can be utilized to help with traumatic memories as well AS further techniques on how to keep a client safe. You will also learn what may get in the way of EFT working and how to work with physical problems.
Learning Objectives:
Additional Tapping Points
Creativity with Setup Phrases
Psychological Resistance
Negative Beliefs
Table Top Metaphor
Socratic Questioning
Switching/Shifting Aspects
More on Testing
Cognitive Shifts
Safety when working with Trauma
EFT techniques for Trauma
The Mind/Body Connection
EFT on a Physical Symptom
Using EFT on children
Using EFT on animals
The law on working with animals and children.
At the end of 2 days, you will receive an Attendance Certificate and an Intermediate Student Training Manual.
Following this course, you may decide to work towards Practitioner certification. You are encouraged to practice using EFT on yourself and friends and family. You are not qualified at this stage to perform EFT on others for payment until you have become certified at Intermediate (Level 2) Practitioner level (see below), but you can integrate it into your clinical practice. Once certified and accredited, you may host talks on EFT but NOT training courses.
CERTIFICATION: If you are interested in using EFT on others in a professional capacity or may want to in the future, then you will need a Practitioner certificate. You will need to fulfil the following criteria within 12months:
Submit minimum of 3 case studies (3 sessions each) and have them approved by your Trainer.
Register as a Student Member on the www.eftandmindfulness.com/join website.
Once registered, access the online test found at the top right under Members Area.
Once you have passed the online test, submitted your case studies and your Trainer is satisfied that you are competent to use EFT on others, you will be awarded a certificate as an EFT Intermediate Practitioner. Your Trainer may request more case studies or criteria.
ACCREDITATION: Once you have your Intermediate Practitioner Certification, you can upgrade your member status to Accredited Intermediate Practitioner and agree to our Ethical Framework Document. A Certificate of Accreditation will be uploaded onto your profile page, and you will be sent a logo.
Accreditation informs the public that you take your work seriously enough to engage in regular Supervision and CPD.
Accreditation is maintained by:
Being listed as an Accredited member on our website.
Showing that you are practicing EFT on a regular basis.
Abiding by our Ethical Framework Document.
Annual checks are carried out.
Dedicated in service to humanity, Debra assists you in finding your truth, your light, your unconditional love, and your peace. She is an Accredited Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner and EFT Master Teacher Trainer. Debra found EFT when looking for a way to help her sister who had PTSD. In looking for a practitioner, she encountered a master teacher who insisted that Debra learn EFT herself so she could help her own sister. That moment changed Debra’s life. When she saw how quickly and effectively EFT worked, she never looked back. Debra began her EFT professional training in 2010 and continues her ongoing EFT professional development through the highly respected international organization, EFT & Mindfulness Center.