unified wellness program:
mindfulness & eft for kids & adults.
Saturdays 10-10:45 AM ET
*schedule subject to change.
Please check calendar for current dates/times.
Mindfulness is learning how to appreciate every moment exactly as it is. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as “tapping”) allows you to release the blocks preventing you from doing that. All it takes is learning how to do it, and then practice. You will learn how to practice appreciation though acceptance while releasing the energy stuck in your spirit, mind and body that has been stopping you until now. The more practice the better you get and the freer you’ll feel.
Debra M. Hollinrake
Dedicated in service to humanity, Debra assists you in finding your truth, your light, your unconditional love, and your peace. She is a certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner and Law of Attraction Counselor, a Spiritual Life Coach, and Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor. She is an award-winning speaker and expert author, with numerous articles published in the field of personal development.
we’ll work on a specific roadblock each week.
Please email debra.hollinrake@ttohc.com to request specific negative emotions / physical difficulty to “tap” on.
Gain Understanding of Mindfulness & EFT
Jin Shin Jyutsu - Learn & Practice Self Help for Negative Emotions
Use EFT to Lighten Mood And Release Stress
Ongoing Mindfulness Exercises
Ongoing EFT on Current Personal Issue