unified wellness program:

mindfulness meditation.


Fridays 7:00-8:15 PM ET

*schedule subject to change.

Please check calendar for current dates/times.

Lessons from Lao Tzu’s “the way of virtue”, Gautama the Buddha’s “compassion” and “right thinking”, Jesus the Christ’s “Love one another”, and the Temple of Apollo’s message “know thyself” have all been teaching us the way to freedom and peace. These messages came by way of meditation.


Debra m. Hollinrake

Dedicated in service to humanity, Debra assists you in finding your truth, your light, your unconditional love, and your peace. She is a certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) practitioner and Law of Attraction Counselor, a Spiritual Life Coach, and Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor. She is an award-winning speaker and expert author, with numerous articles published in the field of personal development.


mindfulness meditation is a way to find this freedom, through which you will learn to:

  • Train your mind and ego to do your bidding instead of the other way around

  • See the truth of yourself

  • Accept the truth of yourself with understanding and compassion

  • See the truth of others

  • Accept the truth of others through understanding and compassion because you understand and have compassion for yourself

  • Feel peaceful sometimes

  • Feel peaceful most of the time

  • Feel peaceful all the time


This class series is an ongoing journey through the principals and practice of mindfulness, during sitting meditation, and in everyday life. Weekly classes include teachings, sharing and one or two meditations. The Buddha teaches that when we are mindful 24 hours a day seven days a week, we have reached enlightenment. You can do this.

Class topics & challenges

six month challenge

Develop a solid mindfulness meditation practice

month one challenge

Understand how the posture of meditation is more than sitting - Formal Practice

month three challenge

Deepen Your Focus. Developing Your Daily Meditation With Compassion

month Five challenge

Distinguish Between Peace And Suffering. Mindfulness And The Opposite Of Mindfulness

month Two challenge

What is mindfulness? Begin your mindfulness journey

month four challenge

Concentration & Mindfulness. Gain more power over your mind

month Five challenge

Embracing Life. Learn how rejecting truth causes suffering