somato-emotional release.
SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is often a process that occurs during a CranioSacral Therapy treatment. SER is a body-mind technique which allows the tissues of the body to release memories, some of which may have significant emotional components. Cells and tissues, such as muscle, connective tissue, bone, and organs can store memories related to experiences we have.
The SER process happens only if the client is ready and open to heal. It is an effective and safe tool for resolving issues and symptoms that may have been holding up the client’s healing process for years.
YOUR BODY KNOWS AND REMEMBERS EVERYTHING. It holds your entire story. It holds the truth and it holds the belief systems we’ve made up to keep ourselves safe. It has all the information we need to help us move forward and heal.cDuring an SER, I help you to reconnect your body and soul wisdom, to the parts of yourself that are waiting to be heard and supported, so you can move into a place of balance, freedom, peace and more joy. SER involves engaging in dialogue and visualization, as you connect to the specific area of the body we are addressing. The body remembers everything and it will speak to us through images and sensations. As we explore these images and sensations, key words come up in our dialoging and those words are often attached to memories that have been buried. By shining a light on them, hearing and seeing them, in a safe, supportive space, we can give ourselves permission to feel what we had buried and create room to heal.
Somat0-Emotional Release (SER) Benefits:
It helps the patient to abandon the energy stagnation, which is what is causing the physical or emotional alteration.
Reduce the anguish. Part of the therapy is to express anguish, anger, pain, fears, and resentments, to remove the emotional burden.
The body is cleansed of tissue knots that are side effects of traumas from the past.
It avoids that confusions or distortions of the reality take place, coming from the clouds of the bad thoughts.
It prevents the patient from living in the past, enclosed within the walls of nostalgia and resentment. You are invited to open the door and go to the happiness of the present.
In the course of therapy, large amounts of energy are released that were previously used to stay repressed. You will feel free, safe and happier.
somato-emotional release therapist
Linda mitchell
Linda has worked within the medical field as a Licensed Practical Nurse working with all ages in long term care facilities, as well as home care. Her continued path led her to natural practices initiating her journey in massage, craniosacral therapy, somatic emotional release, Reiki and Integrative Energy Therapy. Her work includes working with both humans, and horses. Mitchell gained her expertise from the Institute of Therapeutic Massage, Center of Being and Upledger Institute. Linda's spiritual path led her to Unity of Sussex County where she embraced working with the YOU (Youth of Unity - Teens), and as a chaplain.