A Lover of Pets
“I’m suspicious of people who don’t like dogs,
but I trust a dog when it doesn’t like a person.”
I never knew what it was like to grow up without a pet. For me, our family dog felt like another sibling, just as valued and adored as any member of our household. I hold tremendous gratitude for having been raised in a pet loving atmosphere that added so much joy to my life, and it is one I cultivate to this day. Fellow dog lovers surely understand and know the saying, “I’m suspicious of people who don’t like dogs, but I trust a dog when it doesn’t like a person.” I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment, and am known to drop the line myself that I prefer the company of animals to that of people. It’s no surprise that I left the corporate world to start my own dog walking business. A decision I have not regretted for one minute since.
By way of back story about me, I was born in the United States to one American parent and one Irish immigrant parent. The four of us, including my younger brother, moved to Ireland when I was 10. We left our beloved pooch “Grundy” behind in New Jersey to live with my grandfather. It was the perfect fit for a senior dog to move in with the person we appropriately nicknamed the “Dog Whisperer”. Having processed our emotions of leaving one animal behind we eventually were ready for a new addition to the family.
Jesse entered our lives and changed it for the better immediately. She is our miracle dog - lost for a week in the mountains but somehow found safe and sound.
She had been on a cold, winter evening hike when she chased a deer up a mountain and couldn’t find her way back. It was the only time I saw my dad cry when we left the mountain without her.
Pets come with some powerful health benefits.
Caring for an animal can help relieve depression and anxiety, lower stress levels and improve heart health. Most pet owners are clear about the immediate joys that come with sharing their lives with companion animals. However, many of us remain unaware of the physical and mental health benefits that can also accompany the pleasure of snuggling up to a furry friend. It’s only recently that studies have begun to scientifically explore the benefits of the human-animal bond. I know from personal experience how debilitating anxiety can be, I have been working to manage it my whole life. I have definitely gained major relief in recent years through dedication to self care, working with the Tree of Health Center and by surrounding myself with as many animals as possible.
Katie Molloy
Operations Manager with TTOHC. Katie comes to us with a degree in business from Athlone Institute of Technology, County Westmeath, Ireland. She is also the very happy owner of Cozy Paws, a professional pet care business offering dog adventure & walking services as well as pet sitting in Sussex county, NJ.